14.4.2012 | 14:31
Say it in broken English
Various, broken people, in broken English, establish themselves in the empire of the Monarch Commercial, with all their heart for evreyone to notice, what? Guffys! What might the future bring or keep in store, for everyone desires to be on the move in the right direction, where the shining sun sets in the summertime. The west is the best. While eating up a hawk-eyed beast in a hawk-eyed town, either a senior or a junior feminist claims to be trembling like a soldier up against the very idea as such, of what might be, if only someone got beaten up for just lacking something like consideration, or just a powderblue wig, in matters relative to just what matters; being quite unable to listen, keep silent or shut up, because of craving importance of being earnest, If you feel like it, you even tell young mothers their babies are ugly, and you were once like one of them for sure. Why then keep silent if needed, or talk, when that probably makes all the difference? Just say what you feel, anytime; it is all there is. No one can deny it. Stay indignant, or else, be very impressed, much in favor of just mame it. The west is the best. Be among the hawk-eyed beasts you eat in a hawk-eyed town, or else drop dead. No water deep down below or above, just an aching stomach and Hawk-eyed feathers and a puff. So you better start swimming or you sink like a stone for the times they are a-changing.
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