21.7.2012 | 13:21
Nótur śr handraša
TLS, ķ aldarlok į öldinni leiš: Romania (Ķsland į lķka leik) is bad because of the wild dogs, Ketchup and night life; good because of the beer and the fact, that after all the ugliness that a bad century could chuck at Romania... teenage girls are still getting knocked up!
Some Intellectual Conseqenses of the English Revolution (frį 1640-1684). Höf:
Christopher Hill. The Board Regents og the University of Wisconsin System 1980
Telling the Thruth about History- Höfundar: Joyce Appelby, Lynn Hunt, and Margaret Jacob. W.W. Norton & Company. N.Y. London. 1994
Every symbolic order, I suspect, has rythm which moves between transubstantiation and labour. Paul W.Kahn Out of Eden 9780 691126937
Max Greger: Sail along silvery moon.
Bent Kempel: Wonderful by night.
Acker Bilck: Stranger on the shore.
Brönugrasiš bregšur sķnum bleika lit,
nešar skartar fķfa į fit
fellur sólargeisli į Rit.
Njöršur P. Njaršvķk
Nęst m.a.: Benedikt Gķslason frį Hofteigi lżsir tengdafólki Pįls Ólafsonar skįlds, og sķšasta umbošsmanni Klausturjarša.
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.